fight with one's back to the river -- fight to win or die;be forced to stand and fight; be trapped and have to fight; burn one's boats [bridges]; conduct a desperate struggle; conquer or die; have one's back to the wall; make a desperate fight in the last
David got tired of working in London so he burned his boats and moved up to Scotland and bought a small hotel there.
Blackberry's decision to make its free messaging service, BBM, available on other mobile phone platforms is a Hail Mary play for a damaged company that pretty much has nothing to lose at this point.
施瓦辛格还与他特别感兴趣的一些导演展开了合作,如韩国导演金知云(Kim Jee-woon)等。金知云将以影片《背水一战》首度进军好莱坞。
Mr. Schwarzenegger also is holding out to work with directors he finds especially compelling, like South Korean director Kim Jee-woon, who will make his Hollywood debut with 'The Last Stand.'
不过,到目前为止,今年并没有延续去年美国票房的增长之势。《巨人杀手杰克》(Jack the Giant Slayer)和施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)的《背水一战》(The Last Stand)等失败之作导致今年迄今美国国内票房同比下降了12%。
Last year's positive news hasn't continued so far this year, however, as flops like 'Jack the Giant Slayer' and Arnold Schwarzenegger's 'The Last Stand' have helped to drive domestic receipts down 12% so far compared with the same period in 2012.
重返影坛后,施瓦辛格开始接一部又一部的戏,包括《背水一战》等;但几个月后,他的家庭丑闻被媒体曝光,导致结婚25年的妻子玛丽亚•施莱弗(Maria Shriver)搬离他们在纽约州布伦特伍德(Brentwood)的房子。
Five months after he began lining up projects, including 'The Last Stand,' his family scandal exploded in the press. Maria Shriver, his wife of 25 years, moved out of their Brentwood home.
While the drugs initially were given only to people with advanced disease, especially those who had little to lose because chemotherapy had stopped working, Heymach of MD Anderson predicted that soon some patients-including some with earlier stages of lung cancer-will receive checkpoint inhibitors as their first treatment.
It was desperate last-ditch attempt to salvage the situation.
fight with one's back to the river -- fight to win or die;be forced to stand and fight;be trapped and have to fight;burn one's boats